Frequently asked questions and information about distilling
- What is the minimum quantity I can distill with the ASP
- Can I distil with very cold water? Are there any impacts on the distilling run?
- What do I do with the wash/liquid left in my Air Still or Air Still Pro boiler after distilling it?
- Pocket Guide - Distilling with Botanicals
- Pocket Guide - Taking Cuts
- Why is my spirit cloudy?
- Why does my spirit have a blue tint?
- Double Distilling in your Air Still
- How much botanical material can I put into the Gin Botanical Basket?
- Imploding Still
- What do I do if I forgot to remove the first 50ml?
- Why is there a dramatic/erratic change in temperature during my run in the T500?
- Why is my T500 providing a poor quality alcohol?
- Why is my spirit coming out in spurts rather than an even stream?
- What happens if I distil at a higher temperature on the T500?
- Why have I got a lower yield?
- How many times can I distil the gin botanicals?
- Should I use the full packet of botanicals with Botanical basket and the T500?
- What are the heads, hearts and tails in distilling?
- Will I make methanol when I distil?
- Why is the temperature is fluctuating and what can I do?
- Can you make rye and rum with your stills? If so, what do you need to make it?